Thursday, June 4, 2020

Routines Are Grounding And Calming For Stone Valley Community Residents

As humans, we love routine and predictability. And for seniors who have had the same routines possibly for decades, those routines are even more comforting. In particular, those with memory challenges benefit immensely from routines. Routines can help someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s know what to expect throughout their day, as well as continue to perform tasks and activities on their own for longer, leading to greater confidence.

At Stone Valley Assisted Living and Memory Care community in Reno, Nevada, Person-Centered routines are central to resident life. The community is set up to provide residents with stable routines focused on wellness and cognitive support.

Individualized Care and Resident Routines

Familiar routines are essential to memory care residents’ quality of life. Since people experiencing memory challenges find routines to be calming and grounding, Stone Valley ensures that residents’ familiar routines are maintained to the extent possible. These routines include their sleep schedule, hygiene routines, clothing preferences, and eating schedule.

At Stone Valley, the community’s trained and licensed staff ensure that they get to know every resident as an individual, which makes it possible to provide residents with personalized care. Staff members are also available 24/7, ensuring that residents the individualized assistance that they need at any time of the day or night. Residents’ families and friends can have complete peace of mind that their loved one is never alone.

Socialization and Activities

Many retirement communities plan weekly events and outings to entertain their residents. But Stone Valley plans events specifically for residents with memory challenges, which are intended to nurture cognitive function as well as provide socialization. Regular positive interactions with others can not only improve residents’ mood, but also provides residents with a sense of inclusion as well as a strengthened sense of time and place. Social interactions also boost residents’ self-esteem, which in turn supports better sleep habits, healthier eating habits, and more interest in exercise.

The activities are planned by an experienced Life Enrichment Director, who specifically chooses activities to support cognition. These activities include table games and word games, which research suggests are beneficial for maintaining cognitive function. Residents also enjoy music therapy, where the community focuses on providing era-specific music to bring back fond memories and decrease anxiety.

Unique 24/7 Dining Program

Mealtimes are one of the cornerstone routines that residents rely upon every single day. That’s why Stone Valley’s unique 24/7 dining program, like everything else at the community, is built to support residents’ well-being. The community’s daily menu incorporates foods from the Rush University Medical Center MIND diet, which research suggests fosters brain health. Foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and lean proteins regularly make an appearance on the menu. The chef is also trained and happy to accommodate residents with dietary needs due to various health restrictions, such as low gluten and sugar-free diets, and much more. And how meals are served matters. Entrees are served on colored plates to stimulate appetite and increase food recognition. A server greets each resident individually with multiple daily menu choices.

Community Design

Understandably, moving from one’s home to a retirement community can cause a disruption in daily routine. Luckily, Stone Valley’s community has been designed to make the transition as smooth as possible, allowing residents to settle into a safe, comfortable routine as quickly as possible. All of the residents’ living spaces are specifically designed with consistent, flat flooring, accessible bathroom safety features, and safety pull cords. Residents also wear location-based pendants for an extra layer of security. Finally, the community common areas and outdoor grounds are designed to be both safe and secure as well as conducive to residents living a full, engaged life.

To learn more about residency or to schedule a tour of Stone Valley, contact our friendly team today.

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