Friday, April 28, 2023

Enjoy the Beauty of Spring Without Allergies Holding You Back

For many of our residents at our retirement communities in PA, spring is their favorite time of year. The warmer weather, blooming flowers, and greener landscapes are some of the highlights! But for many of us spring also brings along seasonal allergies, which can cause significant discomfort and affect our overall well-being. Don’t let allergies stop you from enjoying this beautiful season. Here are our best tips for combatting your allergies this spring.

Stay Indoors During High Pollen Count Hours

Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies. Did you know that there is more pollen at certain times of day? Pollen counts are actually highest during mid-morning and early evening. Knowing this, we would advise you to stay indoors during these hours to avoid exposure to pollen. Instead, spend your mornings engaging in indoor activities like reading, watching TV, or playing games with friends and family. Head outdoors to enjoy the sun at other times of the day!

Keep Windows and Doors Closed

We know this one is the opposite of what you’re going to want to do on a beautiful spring day. However, open windows and doors can let pollen inside, causing allergies to flare up. Keeping your windows and doors closed can help eliminate the spread of pollen, especially on windy days. Try using fans to circulate the air inside your space. If you absolutely cannot deny letting the fresh air inside, try to do so after it rains so pollen is less prevalent in the air.

Take Medications as Prescribed

If you have allergies, you should absolutely be taking your medications as prescribed by your doctor. Over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays can relieve allergy symptoms as well. However, you should consult your doctor before taking any new medication, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take other medications. Consult with your doctor on what the best path to fighting allergies is for you.

Wear Protective Clothing

Reduce your exposure to pollen by wearing protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, hats, and sunglasses. Protecting your hair and skin from pollen is an easy way to casually fight allergies. You can also use pollen masks when going outside or doing outdoor activities like gardening or walking. Face masks can significantly reduce your reaction to pollen due to protecting you from breathing it in. Not only can you protect your outside but a mask protects your insides such as your lungs and throat.

Maintain Good Hygiene Practices

You should always maintain good hygiene practices such as washing your hands frequently, taking a shower after being outside, and washing your clothes after outdoor activities. These easy steps can help remove pollen and other allergens from the skin and clothes and reduce allergy symptoms. If you want to go the extra mile, wipe down surfaces and do a quick vacuum or sweep of the floors. Now you’re really eliminating those allergens!

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients can boost the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies. We suggest including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats in your diet. Our retirement communities in PA offer healthy meal options and nutrition programs to help you or your loved ones maintain a healthy diet.

Spring allergies can be a significant health concern for anyone but with the right tips and strategies, you can enjoy the beauty of spring without allergies. We hope these tips have helped and allow you to live a healthy and happy season!

Want to take a tour of the living spaces we offer or hear more about the lifestyle at our Pennsylvania retirement living communities? Contact a member of our team today!

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