Thursday, October 6, 2022

What’s worth it, and what’s worthless?

Disclaimer: This information has not been verified by a medical professional. Please consult with a physician before taking supplements or vitamins to guarantee you have no potential adverse side-effects or pill interactions.

Everyone wants to grow old gracefully. However, most of us need help doing so. There are so many products on the market today that promise anti-aging miracles that it can be difficult to know which products to use and which to stay away from. The following information provides a guide to methods that work as well as some scams to stay away from.

Good anti-aging supplements

  • Selenium

Selenium is a mineral that helps protect the body from various types of cancer. It reduces wrinkles and preserves tissue elasticity to make skin more youthful-looking. Dietary sources of selenium include whole grain cereals, seafood, garlic, and eggs. When topical or oral supplements are used, it provides protection against UV damage.

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidant supplements you can take to slow down the aging process. It protects cell membranes and prevents damage to enzymes. Recent studies have indicated that vitamin E helps inactivate free radicals and make them less likely to cause damage. Putting vitamin E on the skin can reduce damage caused by sun exposure, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin texture. Natural sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, grains, oats, nuts, and dairy. Daily supplementation of 400 milligrams is also helpful.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps to repair free radicals to help prevent cancer. Vitamin C is easily depleted from the body, so supplementation is key. Skin creams do not provide a large enough dose of vitamin C, so eating citrus fruits and taking oral supplements are the best ways to increase the level in your body.

  • Polypodium Leucotomos Extract (PLE)

This extract comes from a fern in Central America. It helps to preserve the skin’s fibroblasts that build and restore collagen, which combats wrinkles and sagging skin. It also provides protection from UV rays. Taking 500 milligrams before sun exposure can help to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

  • Glucosamine

Taking 500 milligrams of glucosamine a day goes a long way in improving joint health as well as fighting fine lines and sagging skin. There are also topical creams that contain glucosamine that help to reduce wrinkles as well. Glucosamine also accelerates wound healing, improves skin hydration and decreases wrinkles.

  • Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 contributes to the overall health and appearance of the skin. It reduces cell damage and is an overall “youth booster.”

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

ALA is an important nutrient for the protein structures that help skin maintain a youthful appearance.

  • DHEA

DHEA is a nutrient that the human body produces naturally. However, the amount that is produced decreases with age. There is not much known about DHEA’s role in the body, but doctors believe that its reduction is directly connected to the physical and mental decline associated with age.

  • Anti-Aging Supplement Scams

Unfortunately, there are many scam artists out there who make a living from people who are looking for the Fountain of Youth in a jar. Seniors need to be extra-vigilant and always be on the lookout for anti-aging scams. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

  • Claims pitched to the media without medical or scientific evidence or an unbiased third-party review
  • Claims that the seller’s work is being oppressed by the scientific establishment
  • Use of phrases such as “scientific breakthrough”, “exclusive product”, “secret ingredient”, or “active remedy”
  • Pervasive use of testimonials and remedy anecdotes
  • Claims that long-time use is credible because it has “stood the test of time”
  • Conveying credibility by wearing lab coats, stethoscopes, posing with microscopes and referring to “academies” or “Institutes”
  • Not mentioning potential side effects and making claims that seem too good to be true
  • Using overly-simplistic rationales
  • Using celebrities to endorse a product or attempts to connect the product with a well-known legitimate scientist
  • Claims to be an alternative to FDA-approved medications
  • Obvious conflict of interest
  • Misleading interpretations or lies about effectiveness
  • Hiding disclaimers in fine print
  • Offers a money-back guarantee
  • Claims that the seller is “on your side”

All of these examples are red flags that indicate you should run the other way

Some known anti-aging scams include:

  • Synthetic antioxidants

Synthetic antioxidants such as BHA and BHT are often added to makeup and creams and so to promote anti-aging properties. However, BHA is an endocrine disruptor and can impede normal hormone function. It is also a known carcinogen. BHT is known to cause damage to the thyroid, kidneys, liver and lungs of test animals.

  • Parabens

Parabens are used as a preservative in cosmetics. Synthetic parabens are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. They then disrupt hormone regulation.

Seniors who are interested in taking anti-aging supplements should do so with caution. Stick with vitamin-based supplements, and be wary of possible scams that make empty promises.

Before you take any anti-aging products, question the motives of the seller and look for potential warning signs of a scam. To be extra sure, check with a doctor, nurse, or another healthcare provider before you buy anything. Your friends at Sunshine Retirement Living are here to help you. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about anti-aging products.

To speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members, click here today.

*Disclaimer: Please consult with a physician before taking supplements or vitamins to guarantee you have no potential pill interactions.

*This blog was first published here: Sunshine Retirement Living

The post What’s worth it, and what’s worthless? appeared first on Top Independent, Assisted & Memory Care.

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