Friday, June 10, 2022

Summer is the perfect time to evaluate your physical and mental space

Last month, we discussed cleaning out your physical space with some spring cleaning tips. This month, we’re making self-care a priority!

What is self-care? Self-care can be described as the practice of taking an active role in maintaining and protecting one’s mental and physical health to ensure one’s overall well-being, especially during times of stress. Let’s dive deeper and discuss how we can prioritize self-care at La Mesa’s Best Retirement Community!

Spend Time in Nature

Located in sunny La Mesa, California, Waterford Terrace Retirement Community has a bit of a geographical advantage. With beautiful weather year round, it is easy to get outside and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. Even with nice weather throughout the year, summer is one of our favorite times, because it doesn’t get much better than endless sunny and hot days!

Did you know that spending time in nature has been proven to lift your mood, lower anxiety and depression, improve memory, focus, and overall emotional well-being? Lucky for us, we’re just a quick car ride away from the beach, putting a beautiful outdoor adventure at our fingertips.

Next time you have a free day, hop in the car with some friends or family and plan a day to enjoy the sand between your toes and feel the sun on your skin. By the end of the day, there’s no doubt that you will feel relaxed and full of love and light! Whatever you do though, don’t forget to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and snacks!

Do Something for You

When was the last time you took a moment and did something completely for yourself? We often get so caught up trying to take care of everyone and everything around us that we forget to check in with ourselves and what we need. Take a moment to reflect on the things you enjoy or something that you haven’t done in a while. Here are some ideas of self-care activities you can do just for you:

  • Book a massage
  • Book a facial
  • Buy yourself flowers
  • Spend a day at the museum
  • Watch your favorite movie
  • Start a new book or TV series

Eat Nutritious, Delicious Meals

Eating clean is a great way to practice self-care for your physical health, but what some people may not realize is the food we eat has a great impact on our mental health as well! Our brains are connected to our gut through the nervous system, so what we fuel our bodies with has a great impact on our mood, anxiety, and depression. Ever wonder why when you’re nervous or stressed your stomach might act up? That’s the brain-gut connection talking!

With this in mind, we need to make sure we’re fueling our bodies with food high in vitamins and nutrients. The easiest way to keep this in mind is to avoid processed foods and prioritize fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible. But that doesn’t mean your meals have to be bland and boring. Part of self-care is allowing yourself to enjoy your meals. Luckily, our San Diego area senior living community makes delicious meals a priority! Our Executive Chef prepares tasty, healthy meals from the highest quality ingredients. The best part? It’s all available 24/7! So whenever our senior residents are craving something to eat, there’s a healthy dish waiting for them.

Prioritizing your self-care isn’t just doing a face mask and calling it a day. There’s so much more that goes into it. Our best advice is to find a self-care method that works for you and make it part of your daily or weekly routine. We can’t wait to see what self-care activities our residents take on this spring.

To learn more about our San Diego area residency or schedule a tour of Waterford Terrace, contact our friendly team today or call us at 541-323-3456.

The post Summer is the perfect time to evaluate your physical and mental space appeared first on Assisted Living & Independent Living For Seniors.

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